Sunday, December 2, 2012

About Sheki

Sheki district is one of the most interesting, older, original and beautiful areas of Azerbaijan. Administrative district center – Sheki city being allocated at picturesque southern slopes of Big Caucasian Ridge on the background of white snow tops – one of the most ancient cities of Azerbaijan. Sheki is nestled 675m high above sea. The highest mountainous peaks the Greater Caucasus mountains around Sheki are Khan Yaylaghi(1800m), Gizil Gaya(3000m) and Bazar Duzu(4430). By the period of Sheki to be founded is considered the first thousand years of A.D. Presumable age of the city 3000 years(may be more years). Its name is received from “Sheki” tribe being lived in the past. Ancient Sheki was at route of commercial ways and was huge trading center and district of developed silky and handicraft manufacturing. All travelers in all ages by the first case they had visited bazaars. At the famous Sheki bazaars it was happened brisk market of seeds, silk, ceramic products, relief dishes, jewelry decorations. Flower, most part of all Sheki city gained honor by its silk. Merchants from Europe, Asia, Middle East brought out towards countries of the world, airy, transparent as veil sewed with the golden silk. As far back as the 15th century, Sheki silk was renowned and was even imported by Venetian and Genoese merchants. Throughout history, the local population of Sheki maintained its livelihoods in agriculture, cultivating, fruits, vegetables and crops such as tobacco and corn. Livestock – raising also has deep roots in Sheki’s history. Today, local farmers still keep the tradition of livestock raising and cows, sheep, goats and horses continue to graze – Sheki’s beautiful natural landscape. Sheki is characterized by a healthy mountainous climate. The city has unique position surrounded by hills and mountains on all sides. These protective barriers make Sheki comparatively cooler in summer and warmer and rainier in the winter months than other cities in Azerbaijan. Average summer temperature is about +35C, +38C, in winter +5C, -10C, in autumn +25C, in spring +15C, +20C. The best time to go to Sheki is from May to October. There are approximately 70.000 residents in the city of Sheki. Including the residents of neighboring villages, there are over 170.000 people in the region of Sheki. Shekians are friendly and hospitable people. They are curious about foreigners but at the same time, because of Sheki’s tourist attractions they are much more familiar with outsiders, than Azeris in other parts of the country. The language of the local population is Azeri, but many people speak Russians as well. At last time are many young speaking in different foreign languages. There is a Russian language secondary school in the city. Because of the Azeri language’s Turkish origins, Azeris also understand Turkish. The Sheki dialect is most unique among local dialects and is characterized by a melodic sound. Shekians stretch their words out and stress is often found in a different part of the word. Some local words are typical only to Sheki dialect of Azeri. Most of the people in Sheki are Sunni Muslims. There are many mosques in city, the biggest of which is known as the Juma Mesjid and the call to prayer is played from their loudspeakers three times a day. However, as with the rest of Azerbaijan, people here are overwhelmingly secular and it is common for alcohol and other food prohibited by religion to be sold in stories.

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